UPC 884355571473
OPTP 611 Original Norsk Mobilization Wedge
UPC 796433870142
OPTP - Original Kaltenborn Concept Wedge
UPC 793573900166
The Original McKenzie Early Compliance Lumbar Roll - Low Back Support for Office Chairs and Car Seats
UPC 854465007629
OPTP LO ROX Aligned Life Body Sphere with Pump - Exercise and Massage Ball from Lauren Roxburgh
UPC 854465007728
OPTP LO ROX Aligned Life Domes - Textured Balance and Stability Trainers
UPC 802700187841
The Original Stretch Out Strap with Exercise Book by OPTP Top Choice of Physical Therapists & Athletic Trainers
UPC 040232158643
OPTP The Original Stretch Out Strap with Exercise Poster Top Choice of Physical Therapists & Athletic Trainers
UPC 854465007209
Knee Glide - Knee and Shoulder Joint Rehabilitation; Exercise Tool for ACL, PCL, Hip Replacement, Rotator Cuff Therapy
UPC 094922228413
OPTP Stretch-EZ - Foot and Leg Stretcher for Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Calf, Thigh and Hip
UPC 040232158650
OPTP The Original Stretch Out Strap XL with Exercise Poster Top Choice of Physical Therapists & Athletic Trainers
UPC 854465007162
SenMoCOR LED Laser Headlamp System with 2 Poster Targets/Mazes for Sensory Motor Control Testing and Treatment
UPC 040232134494
OPTP AXIS Foam Roller - Firm Density, Black, 36" x 6" Round
UPC 854465007681
OPTP Dynamic Duo Balance & Stability Trainers for Core Strength, Injury Recovery, Physical Therapy and Rehab Exercise
UPC 793573900135
OPTP Mini Balls, Vinyl Construction, Therapeutic Self-Massage, 2 Piece
UPC 854465007971
OPTP Pull-Up System by Bob and Brad Arm and Core Strength Training Tools for Pull-ups, Chin-ups and More
UPC 782174539707
OPTP Franklin Textured Ball Set - 2 Inflatable Exercise Balls
UPC 040232158698
OPTP Mulligan Mobilisation Belt - Mobilization Belt for Physical Therapy, Rehab and Manual Therapy
UPC 040232505966
OPTP Extremity Mobilization Strap
UPC 040232158742
OPTP Franklin Smooth Ball Set - Adjustable Firmness Massage Ball
UPC 040232158728
OPTP Franklin Air Ball - LE9004
UPC 040232506017
OPTP Franklin Easy Grip Ball - LE9003
UPC 782794799147
OPTP Franklin Plush Ball Set - Pair
UPC 040232158704
OPTP Franklin Mini Roll - Peanut Shaped Massage Roll for Franklin Method Exercises
UPC 796433825838
OPTP Pro-Roller Soft Density Foam Roller - Blue 36 Inch
UPC 795186376178
The Original McKenzie Super Roll by OPTP
UPC 040232134463
OPTP Original Kaltenborn Concept Wedge
UPC 040232231582
OPTP PRO-ROLLER Standard Density 36"x6" Foam Roller - Green
UPC 796433834311
The Original McKenzie Lumbar Roll by OPTP - Low Back Support for Office Chairs and Car Seats
UPC 793573900210
OPTP Slant - Foam Incline Slant Boards for Calf, Ankle and Foot Stretching
UPC 854465007469
OPTP Performance Wedges Foam Supports for Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, and Physical Therapy Exercise: Ideal for Squats, Planks, and Pushups
UPC 882942384604
UPC 075060004336
OPTP Super Pinky Ball Massage Ball for Plantar Fasciitis and Sore Muscles
UPC 854465007674
OPTP Pelvic Rocker Core Trainer Balance Tool for The Pelvic Floor, Core Strength and Stability
UPC 854465007803
OPTP Grip & Forearm Strengthener by Bob & Brad Adjustable Resistance Grip Strength Trainer with Tubing and Handles for Arm, Wrist, Hand and Finger Exercises for Rock Climbing, Golf, Tennis and More
UPC 040232134524
OPTP Original McKenzie Night Roll Lumbar Support - L/XL
UPC 854465007889
FitGLIDE by Bob & Brad Exercise and Rehabilitation Device to Help Recover from Knee Replacement, ACL or PCL Surgeries, Hip Replacement, Fracture, or Stroke and for Low Impact Exercises at Home
UPC 033586421389
OPTP PRO-Roller Standard Density Foam Roller - Durable Roller for Massage, Stretching, Fitness, Yoga and Pilates - Blue, 36 Inches by 6 Inches
UPC 040232134487
OPTP PRO-Roller Soft Foam Roller - Pink 36" x 6" PSFR36
UPC 854465007605
OPTP Pro-Roller 36" x 4" Foam Roller - Soft Density - for Massage, Stretching, Fitness, Yoga and Pilates Exercise - PSFR364B
UPC 040232231636
OPTP PRO-Roller Soft Foam Roller - Blue 18" x 6" PSFR18B
UPC 796793308088
OPTP Pro Foam Roller - Axis - Black - Half Round 12" x 3"
UPC 040232134500
OPTP Silver AXIS Foam Roller - Moderate Density
UPC 040232505942
OPTP Pro-Roller Arch - Foam Roller Support and Positioning Tool
UPC 040232231483
Foam Roller Cover - Blue Vinyl
UPC 751738287156
OPTP Half Balls - Stretching and Massage Tool for Feet and Plantar Fascia
UPC 040232385759
OPTP Posture Ball 6-Inch - Foam Roller Massage Ball for Physical Therapy, Exercise and Fitness
UPC 854465007575
PRO Soft Release Ball 5" Foam Massage Ball for Trigger Point Therapy & Sore Muscles Ideal for Exercise Recovery and Physical Therapy 472S
UPC 767485322408