UPC 717520030331
SparkFun LED Driver Breakout - LP55231
UPC 653958410997
SparkFun Electronics PRT-12790 SparkFun Accessories Stackable Header 2x23 Pin Female
UPC 711583465246
Sparkfun ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor
UPC 845156010110
SparkFun (PID 15663 Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM with ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip
UPC 845156009664
SparkFun Inventors Kit v4.1-Compatible with Arduino-Beginner Kit Age 10 Plus Start Learning Programming Electronics Use: Education Classroom MakerSpace Library Home Learning Build a Robot No Soldering
UPC 717520028758
SparkFun Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout - Si7021
UPC 845156010363
SparkFun Raspberry Pi 4 Basic Kit - 4GB - Learn to Program or Upgrade Your Pi Game - Includes Pi 4 Micro HDMI Cable MicroSD Card with Adapter 64 GB SparkFun Qwiic Shim for Additional Projects
UPC 757347469242
Sparkfun Load Cell - 200kg, S-Type
UPC 845156009503
SparkFun GPS Breakout - Chip Antenna, SAM-M8Q - 72-Channel GNSS Receiver from GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo Constellations - hot Lock in Seconds
UPC 845156010097
SparkFun 92-Channel M9 Engine GNSS Receiver
UPC 845156010486
JetBot AI Kit v2.1 - Includes Most Hardware & prototyping Electronics Needed to Complete Your Fully Functional Robot!
UPC 845156009145
SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic ATMega328P compatible with Arduino board w/ Qwiic Connector and CH340C Serial-USB Converter IC Breadboardable R3 footprint microcontroller Improved reset button
UPC 845156008018
SparkFun Micro:bit Breakout Access I2C & SPI busses Pre-soldered 0.1" headers Compatible with Most breadboards Use for STEM Education Classroom at Home Makerspace Library
UPC 602318761880
SparkFun GPS-RTK Board - NEO-M8P-2 High-Accuracy breakout No Soldering Required Breadboardable Contains a Rechargeable backup battery allowing a Warm-start decreasing time-to-first-fix
UPC 845156009152
SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P High-Precision Breakout No Soldering Required Breadboardable Contains a Rechargeable Backup Battery Allowing a Warm-Start decreasing time-to-First-fix
UPC 852669008008
SparkFun Blower - Squirrel Cage
UPC 757347469310
SparkFun Snappable Protoboard
UPC 757347352711
SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout
UPC 845156010035
SparkFun Electronics Reversible USB A to Reversible Micro-B Cable - 0.8m Standard Issue USB 2.0 Type A to Micro USB 5-pin Modified to be able to be plugged into Ports regardless of Orientation
UPC 845156011100
SparkFun Qwiic pHAT Extension Compatible with Raspberry Pi 400 - extends 40 pin headers to a Vertical Position - 10 mounting Holes - 2X Qwiic Connections
UPC 731717891284
SparkFun Capacitive Touch Breakout - AT42QT1010
UPC 757347469525
SparkFun Dual 7-Segment Display - LED
UPC 608614201044
SparkFun RedBoard Turbo -SAMD21 Development Board Powerful microcontroller Qwiic connect system Integrated regulated LiPo charger Compatible with Arduino Micro-B USB interface Power UF2 bootloader
UPC 717520029595
SparkFun Bus Pirate - v3.6a with Cable
UPC 305399553510
SparkFun Electronics Cherry MX Keycap - R2
UPC 845156010493
SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout-ZED-F9P -Concurrent reception of GPS GLONASS Galileo BeiDou High precision GPS 10mm 3 dimensional accuracy Receives L1C/A & L2C bands Voltage:5V or 3.3V Logic:3.3V
UPC 608614200436
SparkFun (PID 14646 RGB LED Matrix Panel - 32x32
UPC 845156009602
SparkFun Thing Plus - SAMD51 Development Board Powerful microcontroller with Qwiic connect system and integrated regulated LiPo charger No Soldering required
UPC 845156009367
SparkFun Inventor's Kit for Micro:bit-Start Learning Programming and Electronics Use for Education Classroom MakerSpace Library and at Home Learning
UPC 757347352483
SparkFun ESP8266 Thing - Dev Board
UPC 608614201587
SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Starter Kit for Internet of Things WiFi Development Includes headers jumper wires breadboard Serial breakout Mico-B USB Cable and LEDs Use to Start a Project or Learn IoT
UPC 845156000791
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V Development Tool with USB Mini-B Connector Save Space and Money in Your DIY Electronics Projects
UPC 845156009688
SparkFun Gator-Environment - Gator:Bit Accessory Board with CCS811 and BME280 sensors Use with micro:bit or other microcontrollers Use for Education Library and Home Learning
UPC 608614200818
SparkFun (PID 15033 USB Logic Analyzer - 25MHz/8-Channel Sigrok
UPC 845156010820
SparkFun Qwiic Shim Kit for Raspberry Pi - Also Includes Qwiic SerLCD 9DoF IMU Breakout & Necessary Cables
UPC 845156010424
SparkFun Auto pHAT Compatible with Raspberry Pi Google Coral NVIDIA Jetson and More All in One Robotics Package Quickly add functionality to Single-Board Computers Drive 2 Small DC Motors & 4 servos
UPC 845156009510
SparkFun GPS Breakout - ZOE-M8Q -High Accuracy Miniaturized Board- 72-Channel GNSS Receiver Receive Signals from GPS GLONASS BeiDou Galileo Constellations-Increase Precision Decrease Lock time
UPC 845156010615
SparkFun Raspberry Pi Zero W Camera Kit - Includes All The Pieces You Need to Assemble and Program IoT Raspberry Pi Zero Camera
UPC 748347523706
Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional
UPC 717520030676
SparkFun (PID 09816 OpAmp Breakout - LMV358
UPC 845156010707
Alchitry Io Element Board - get Your feet Wet with Digital Design- Features 4 7-Segments LEDs 5 momentary Push Buttons 24 Basic LEDs 24 DIP switches Use for Beginners of FPGAs
UPC 799430213493
SparkFun WAV Trigger Play Uncompressed audio files 16-bit Files at 44.1kHz On-board mono Audio amplifier Speaker connector 14 parallel stereo tracks Polyphonic MIDI control 16 trigger inputs Micro SD
UPC 845156010417
SparkFun Top pHAT for Raspberry Pi - Supports Machine Learning Voice Control Onboard Microphone & Speaker Two programmable Buttons & Joystick RGB LEDs Offswitch for Rpi 2.4" TFT LCD Display
UPC 845156009039
SparkFun (PID 14874 Configurable OpAmp Board - TSH82
UPC 611138685054
SparkFun Level Translator Breakout - PCA9306
UPC 720310639324
Sparkfun Coulomb Counter Breakout - Ltc4150
UPC 845156010943
SparkFun MicroMod Artemis Processor - Modular Interface Ecosystem That Connects Artemis microcontroller/Processor Board to Various/Carrier Board peripherals
UPC 845156009046
SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor - AS7265x Optical inspection breakout Combines visible UV IR LEDs with three spectral sensors Vcc 3.3V Qwiic I2C Serial Breadboardable or No Soldering Required